Georgia Dixon
Food & Wine

Banana nice cream

A scoop of ice cream is often a guilty pleasure so we’ve found the perfect alternative. Banana nice-cream is high in fibre and all the other nutrients like potassium and folate, making this a healthy and delicious dessert.



  1. Slice the bananas and freeze overnight or until firm.
  2. Place the bananas into a food processor and blend, scraping down several times until the bananas have turned into a creamy puree.
  3. Add two tablespoons of honey and mix until combined.
  4. Serve straight away for a creamy, delicious ice cream or refreeze for later.

The ice cream will be a little icy if eaten later.

Have you ever tried an ice cream variation like this? What’s your favourite type of ice cream? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you.

Recipe courtesy of Australian Bananas. You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.

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Related links:

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Chocolate Soy Ice Cream

healthy, recipe, dessert, banana, ice cream