Natasha Clarke
Food & Wine

Bluey toast takes the internet by storm

While some have a hard enough time trying to make toast without setting off the fire alarm, others are always dreaming just that little bit bigger. 

Like the parents who call themselves the Bluey Mums on Facebook, who have found a source of endless entertainment in the form of Bluey toast - or more specifically, Bluey’s younger sister, Bingo. 

Their inspiration comes from a cookbook titled Bluey and Bingo’s Fancy Restaurant Cookbook: Yummy recipes, for real life. And with an ingredients list that seems simple enough on the surface - toast, some fruit, and a spread of their choice - many set to work trying to spoil their children with a fun-filled breakfast plate. 

However, as many soon came to learn, it can often be better to stick to what we know. Or at the very least to remember that practice makes perfect, and sometimes our first attempts are better served as a warning. 

And for the Bluey Mums, sharing became the theme of the day, with members finding bucketloads of amusement in posting their creations with each other. Some were spot on, and others were a little more abstract - but all were valiant efforts, and at the end of the day, came only from the best intentions. 

“Our ‘attempt’ at Bingo toast,' wrote one mum, Madison, alongside her images of what the toast should have looked like, and what she’d managed to come up with. Her masterpiece wasn’t far off the intended portrait, just a little off in proportion, but it was enough to draw laughter from the crowd, and some good-natured commentary at the shocked character on the plate. 

“Bingo has seen things,” someone declared.

“Looks better than the picture I'd say!” wrote one supportive user. 

Meanwhile, others were happy just to know what it meant to their children, with one even getting a surprising - and welcome - result out of it all. 

“I have zero skills to do this stuff! But my daughter loved it and ate all the bread,” she wrote, before adding that her daughter had been “refusing bread for a while”. 

“My daughter loved it though,” another wrote of her own attempt, “and that’s all that matters.”

One parent, who shared her creation to Reddit, was met with similar enthusiasm from commenters, with one writing “expectation vs reality … And the reality ain't that bad! Nice”.

“Now do Muffin!” encouraged one, eager for another round of terrific toast.

Images: Bluey Mums / Facebook, Reddit

Bluey, food, toast, fail, funny, mums