Georgia Dixon
Food & Wine

Nutella porridge

Long considered the quintessential winter breakfast, porridge is high in fibre and protein and is low GI, which means it releases energy slowly and will keep you satisfied for longer.

New studies also suggest that a bowl of porridge each day can help you live longer and has protective properties against cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

It's easy to perk up your porridge game too – this heavenly recipe will take you from an amateur to a professional. A healthy brekky and dessert in one – enjoy.



  1. Add rolled oats, milk and water to a pot and bring to boil. Once boiling, reduce heat, cover and simmer until the grains are soft (approximately 10-12 minutes).
  2. To make the Nutella sauce; melt the coconut oil in a separate pot and whisk in cacao, rice malt/maple syrup and nut butter until combined.
  3. Spoon oats into a bowl, topping with Nutella sauce and hazelnuts.

Doesn’t that sound incredible? What’s your favourite variation on porridge? Let us know in the comments.

Written by Jessica Sepel. First appeared on

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Related links:

Overnight wholegrain oats with date and fig puree

Maggie Beer’s winter porridge

Carrot cake porridge

recipe, breakfast, chocolate, porridge, Nutella