Danielle McCarthy
Food & Wine

The 6 most hydrating foods

There’s nothing worse than the feeling of dehydration, but let’s face it – drinking eight glasses of water a day isn’t always possible. Thankfully, you can up your daily fluid intake by snacking on these healthy, refreshing foods with an impressively high water content.

1. Cucumber

With a water content of 96.7 per cent (the highest of any solid food), the humble cucumber is the perfect quick-fix snack. You can eat it with dip, add it to a salad or even blend it with Greek yogurt, mint and ice cubes to make a deliciously refreshing warm-weather soup.

2. Iceberg lettuce

While darker varieties of lettuce and leafy greens are richer in fibre, iron and other beneficial nutrients, iceberg lettuce is the clear winner when it comes to hydration with a water content of 95.6 per cent. For a refreshing and healthy twist on tacos, replace the shells with iceberg leaves.

3. Celery

The ideal low-calorie treat, celery is not only filled with water (95.4 per cent, in fact), but it’s also packed with fibre, folate and vitamins A, C and K. Plus, if you’re a heartburn sufferer, this green godsend is a natural remedy. Serve with dip or make it a treat with some peanut butter.

4. Radishes

Colourful, crunchy and versatile, radishes contain 95.3 per cent water, making it the most hydrating root vegetable around. A single 100g serving contains almost 20 per cent of your daily vitamin C intake. Serve in a salad or slice up and add to a homemade coleslaw for a bit of extra crunch.

5. Tomato

Tomatoes, with a water content of 94.5 per cent, are the ultimate veggie to include in every meal of the day. Bake one for breakfast, slice one for your lunchtime sandwich, snack on grape varieties during the day and steam cherry varieties as a side to your dinner.

6. Green capsicum

You can’t really go wrong with red or yellow, but green capsicum leads the way in terms of water content with 93.9 per cent. A 100g serve contains more than your daily dose of vitamin C, as well as a decent amount of fibre and vitamin B6. Serve with red and yellow capsicum for a colourful salad.

Image credits: Getty Images

health, foods, body, hydrating