Carla La Tella
Food & Wine

Woman reveals how to perfectly ripen avocados in just 24 hours

A popular health influencer has shared a unique avocado ripening hack, demonstrating the method in a Instagram video.

Caroline Groth says the hack is "something I heard about years ago".

"The kiwi actually doesn't ripen, funnily enough," she says.

In the video descriptions she writes: "Guys, Green Skin + Shepard Avocado season means I legit need a spreadsheet to keep track of when I'll have avocados to eat because they take foreeeeeeeever to ripen."

"But no more… insert the best 101 life hack ever," Caroline continues.

She explains: "The kiwi fruit releases ethylene gas - a plant hormone that aids the ripening process - and the paper bag traps the gas so the process works faster meaning you'll have ripe avocados in 24 hours."

Caroline ends her video description by saying: "You're bloody welcome."

Caroline makes the most of this hack, sharing recipes of some of her favourite meals using avocados including salads and variations of breakfast favourite smashed avocado on toast.

Once your avocado is perfectly ripe, there is another hack that will keep it that way for longer.

Cut your avocado in half and remove the stone, then it can stay fresh for longer by being placed in a container filled with cold water and then stored in the fridge.

"As a major avocado lover I will definitely be using this hack," one person commented.

Images: Instagram

Avocado, food & wine, fruit, vegetables, breakfast