Claudia Byatt
Home & Garden

5 tips for gardeners

When you first start gardening, do your research! Different plants require different maintenance, but here are some simple tips to help you get the garden of your dreams. 

1. Prune

Not sure when to prune? Prune spring-flowering shrubs like lilacs and large flowers such as climbing roses. Prune immediately after the blooms fade; if you prune summer plants in autumn or winter, you’re removing the flower buds for the next Spring.

2. Growing season

Learn how long the growing season for your plant is, not all plants bloom in Spring! Do your research, and if you want to start small, start growing plants indoors to avoid overgrowing them.

3. Pay attention to the light

Research how much light your plant needs. If you’re growing vegetables, get them into a spot where they will receive 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. 

Most veggies need full sun to produce the best harvest. 

4. Soil trumps fertiliser 

Of course, fertilizer is a great tool for growing plants, but what you really need to pay attention to for optimal growth is quality soil. You can try organic fertilizers like compost and well-aged manure to your soil. The best soil structure is crumbly, easy to dig, happily receives water and is loose enough to provide oxygen for plant roots.

5. Avoid digging or planting in wet soil

Wait until the soil is crumbly and no longer forms a ball when you squeeze it in your hands. It doesn’t have to be bone dry, but just enough moisture to allow your plant to breathe and for you to plant them optimally.

Image credit: Getty

Gardening, Plants, DIY, Tips