Home & Garden

Why you absolutely do need to fertilise your garden

If you are fertilising your plants and thinking, “Do I really need to do this?” then read on.

The main reason for fertilising your garden plants is to replace lost nutrients. The second reason is because plants that come from soil with different nutritional content to your garden soil will need fertilising in order to grow. A third reason to fertilise is because over time an established plant will use up all of the nutrition from the soil around it. Need a fourth reason? Some plants that have been bred to be “producers” – think vegetable plants, your lawn, or roses – and need more of the good stuff in order to keep going.

Rather than thinking of fertiliser as food for plants, think of it more as something that helps your plants reach their full potential.

So what are the major elements that plants need to grow?

What types of fertilisers are there?

Organic fertilisers

Non-organic fertilisers

home, gardening, outdoors, lifestyle, Lee Price