Natasha Clarke

Expert reveals why working parents are really parting ways

Dennis R Vetrano Jr, a divorce lawyer who regularly provides insight into the secrets of his industry on social media, has revealed the major theme he has identified when it comes to working parents ending their relationships. 

In one of his TikTok videos, which has been viewed over 4.7 million times since its release, the US-based lawyer opens by asking, “do you want to know the major theme that I’m seeing in the divorce industry, as a divorce lawyer, as I do consults these days?"

The answer, it turns out, is quite simple: “women are tired”. 

“I am seeing working mums do it all, and I am seeing the husbands step back and say ‘huh, I don’t gotta do a thing!’,” Dennis explained. 

“She’s got the kids, she’s got the groceries, she’s got the laundry, she’s got the meals, she’s got the work. And by the way, she’s making all the money and she’s paying for the house, and doing everything else. 

“‘I’m going to go to the firehouse, I’m going to go play this, I’m going to go hang out with my friends.’ That’s the theme. 

“And women are tired.”

Dennis’ video drew in over 10,000 comments, many from women who couldn’t agree more with what he’d said, sharing their own stories and experiences with each other. 

“And the younger generation of women are choosing not to marry, they have grown up watching their mums struggle and refuse to let that happen to them,” one wrote. 

“This is why I got divorced,” another shared, to over 15.3 likes. “He then accused me of cheating! When would I have time? I don’t even sit on the couch”.

“WAY less stressed since divorce. And I get nights to myself!!!” one woman said. 

“We aren’t just tired. We are sick and tired,” one corrected.

“We get sick of the mental load,” another viewer agreed. “Having to give instructions on everything. It's exhausting.” 

“I'm a stay at home mom to 5 and my husband legit told me today ‘I don't go to his job and help him’. It changed something in me tonight,” one revealed. 

Another had something else to add to the discussion, noting that while she agreed “100%”, Dennis had forgotten “to say that the husband’s ‘super power’ was his ability to critique meals, housework, fashion, body image etc!”

Images: TikTok

lawyer, divorce, relationships, parents