Melody Teh

Old school dating expressions that have different meanings now

Modern dating culture has evolved so dramatically from the days of courtship in the 50s and 60s that the dating terms used no longer seem applicable. Here’s a handy compilation of old school expressions and their modern-day interpretations.

1. Wooing

What it used to mean: Pursuing a romantic interest in a romantic way so you could get to know them better to see if there’s a meaningful future.

What it means now: Swiping right on Tinder. For those who don’t know, Tinder is a new dating app that the youths are using on their phone. You swipe left if you’re not interested and swipe right if you are. If the other person also swipes right on your photo, you can begin a conversation.

2. Going steady

What it used to mean: Your relationship has now progressed past the courting phase and you are now boyfriend and girlfriend.

What it means now: You’re possibly going steady if you’ve gone on more than five dates in a row but you’re not sure because bringing that conversation up isn’t encouraged in a “hook-up” dating world where most people are dating multiple people at once.

3. Dear John letter

What it used to mean: A break-up letter.

What it means now: Gradually phasing the person out of your life by not returning calls or texts until they eventually give up on you. The term “ghosting” has been coined to describe this popular phenomenon.

4. Beau  

What it used to mean: A term of endearment for a significant other.

What it means now: Beau has been replaced with “bae” which stands for “before anyone else”. Or people are too lazy to even say babe or baby.

5. Keen

What it used to mean: You’ve got a crush on them.

What it means now: You’ve never spoken to them but you’ve Googled them online and found their Facebook and other social media so now you know everything about them.

6. Petting/Necking

What it used to mean: Kissing and cuddling, especially when seated in the back seat of a car.

What it means now: All that plus more. Much more.

Related links:

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8 relationship myths (and why they’re wrong)

dating, relationships, lifestyle, slang, Expressions