Charlotte Foster

Olympics of love: 7 wedding proposals and counting!

Paris truly is the city of love, with a growing list of athletes proposing to during the Olympics. 

The latest athlete to get down on one knee is French runner Alice Finot, making her the seventh Games athlete to tie the knot. 

Finot's proposal has gone viral for her break in stereotypes, after she decided to propose to her boyfriend after her action-packed 3000m steeplechase race. 

After the women's final, she ran towards the stand searching for her partner, kneeled down and proposed by offering him an Olympic pin, which reads "Love is in the air in Paris", which she had held during the race.

As she handed it to her boyfriend, Spanish triathlete Bruno Martínez Bargiela, the couple broke into a long and passionate hug that moved her now-fiancé to tears.

The proposal happened after Finot had just broken the European record in the discipline, missing out on the bronze medal just by a margin of a few seconds.

It was Argentina that launched the trend of athletes getting proposed in the City of Love, as men's handball player Pablo Simonet proposed to field hockey team member Maria Campoy during a photo opportunity just one day after the opening ceremony.

On Friday, French skiff sailing partners Sarah Steyaert and Charline Picon were both proposed to after scooping a bronze, just one day before badminton player Liu Yu Chen proposed to her girlfriend Huang Ya Qiong after she'd won a gold medal.

The US Team have also been loved up while in Paris, as rowing athlete Justin Best got engaged to former Irish dancer Lainey Duncan on Monday, a day after shot putter Payton Otterdahl proposed to his girlfriend, Maddy Nilles, in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Image credits: Nine News 

relationships, proposals, Alice Finot, Olympics