Readers response: What celebrity do you think would make a great friend, and why?

When it comes to celebrities, everyone has their favourites, their crushes, and those they'd rather steer clear of.
We asked our readers what celebrity they think they would be good friends with, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.
Judy Yannopoulos - Keanu Reeves. A true honest person with a good heart.
Jenny Maclean - Steven Fry. He’s honest and kind and so very intelligent.
Jeff-Lyn Bloom - Tom Hanks. He is so down to earth. Doesn’t put on airs.
Jan Totti - John Farnham, because he’s down to earth and there’s no pretences. He seems just a lovely honest person. He’s an amazing Australian singer.
Caz McDougall - Michael Sheen and David Tennant.
Karen Maberly - Judi Dench. Seems like a good communicator, sharp mind and full of fun, and not full of herself!!
Cheryl Cunningham - Denzel Washington. Totally honest and decent human.
Rhonda Moffitt - Maggie Beer. She treasures family & others. Always smiling, Maggie I think would be great company.
Lisa Drury Hudson - Audrey Hepburn, for her compassion, strength, fighting for children's rights and empathy. What a loss.
Bob Wilkinson - Hugh Jackson and Chris Hemsworth as they both seem like down to earth nice people.
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