14 secrets of couples who stay together forever

Want to know the secret to a successful long-term relationship? Follow our advice from those in the know.
1. Stay connected
Even if you have been married for many years, it is still important to ask your partner how their day went or how they are feeling. This way you always know that even if you’ve had a bad day, at least your partner will be there to lend an ear for you to vent.
2. Choose your battles
Not all disagreements mean that things are all over. All couples fight, but it’s how you resolve it that counts. Decide what’s worth fighting for, and remember that it’s not always important to be right in order to “win” an argument.
3. Accept your challenges
While you might not love visiting the in-laws or going to his work function, remember that there are always going to be obligations to fill in any relationship.
4. Do your own thing
Having your own interests can make for more variety in conversation the next day.
5. Show that you’re thinking of them
It’s nice to be surprised with a gift when you least expect it. If you see a certain treat that your partner loves, bring it home to surprise her.
6. Always remember to kiss
Giving a kiss to say hello or goodbye is a simple yet important thing to get into the habit of doing. It’s a sure fire way to show you care - even when you are busy there is always time.
7. Schedule time for yourselves
There’s no need to fill your social calendar up every weekend with group events or trips. Take things easy and pencil in a visit to the cinema or a picnic in the park just for the two of you.
8. Make an effort with the in laws
They’ll appreciate it if you call to check in sometimes, or attend an event without your partner.
9. Remember to say “I love you”
Nobody gets tired of hearing that they are loved. You really can’t say it too often.
10. Be helpful when they are ill
Nobody enjoys having a cold or being laid up with a bad back. Now is the time to be the sympathetic one who brings breakfast in bed or drives to the chemist for cough mixture.
11. Pick up the slack when you need to
Household chores don’t have to be split on day one and never given flexibility. If your partner is sick or busy with work, it’s kind to take on more than you usually do. When the roles are reversed they will no doubt do the same for you.
12. Always be kind to each other
Never make jokes about your partner, as it shows a lack of respect. Think about how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.
13. Try to be on time
You can avoid a lot of fights by doing your best to be punctual and doing what you say you will.
14. Do things last minute
It’s fun to be spontaneous. Whether that’s booking tickets to a concert and surprising your partner on the day, or walking past a new bar and popping in for a cocktail. Having fun together is a great way to stay connected.