Georgia Dixon

8 signs you are being lied to

Did you know that 60 per cent of people lie at least once every ten minutes? The statistic might seem unbelievable at first but when you think about all the little fibs you might tell on a daily basis (“the bus was late”, “I’ve read that book”, “No, it’s fine, I don’t need milk in my coffee”) it really starts to add up! The reasons why might tell a lie, big or small, are complex but often relate to us wanting to paint a better picture of ourselves to others.

How can you tell if you’re being lied to? The experts have the following tips.

  1. Liars refer to themselves less when telling a story/anecdote so that they can distance themselves from the deceptive statement.
  2. Liars tend to put a more negative spin on things because on a subconscious level, they feel guilty that they are lying.
  3. Liars will often over simply a situation to prevent a future slip up.
  4. Liars use long sentences and often ‘pad out’ their stories with irrelevant facts.
  5. Facial expression can sometimes give the game away when someone is lying. Scowling, grimacing or looking uncomfortable are all common signs of someone telling a fib.
  6. Liars often look you straight in the eye as it’s a rehearsed mechanism.
  7. They trip over their words in their eagerness to ‘get the story out.’
  8. Liars often touch their face and hair a lot which can be used as a distraction to the listener.

Can you tell when someone is telling a fib? Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

How to tell if someone is trying to manipulate you

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5 ways to detoxify from a dysfunctional relationship

relationships, lies, lying, betrayal, fibs