
7 unexpected places to meet someone

If you are playing the dating game you may be wondering where you could meet a potential new partner. If online dating isn’t for you, and you don’t like the idea of hanging about in the local pub hoping to strike up a conversation with someone – try one of our seven ideas below.

Farmer’s markets

While you’re wandering around squeezing the fresh produce, don’t forget to keep watch for anyone that catches your eye. A shared love of organic avocados could be a great opening gambit.

Museums and galleries

There is something very natural about striking up a conversation with someone as you admire a work of art. Even if you ask something as simple as “what do you think?” it could be enough to get a conversation flowing. The best part is there is usually a café or bar on site so if things go well you can always put the offer for a drink out there.

Art classes

These are a great way to get to know people over a longer time frame. Often the classes run weekly so you’ve got time to scope out the potential before you make your move. Why not ask their opinion on something that you’re working on, or share a laugh at the teacher’s crazy shoes – anything to start the conversation flowing.

Gyms and sports centres

Here you know you already share a passion for exercise, and you can be sure that they want to look after their health. So, why not work up a sweat by asking the person on the next treadmill to you how their workout is going?

Dance classes

There is pretty much a guarantee of physical connection with others at a dance class. So if you feel a connection with someone you can always try and wrangle it so you get to have a boogie with them.

Book club

If you are a fan of reading, you may have considered joining a book club. These are a fun and relaxed way to meet a group of like-minded people.


There is something about having that forced down time while you wait for your smalls to dry that can encourage you to chat to the person next to you. Even if it’s just to ask for change for the dryer, or their advice on fabric softeners, all you need is an opening line. 

dating, love, relationships, lifestyle, marriage, Lee Price