12 words about love that don’t have an English equivalent

Have you ever felt such strong feelings about your loved one that you couldn’t put into words? Try as you might, the words in the English language just wouldn’t do it justice. But chances are there’s a word for what you’re feeling in one of the world’s many other languages.
London-based illustrator, Emma Block, has created a series of illustrations of untranslatable words of love from around the world.
"[The words] were an interesting challenge to illustrate," Block told Mashable. "I didn't want to be too repetitive, which meant thinking outside the box a bit. I tried to think about what visuals the words immediately created. Sometimes it was quite obvious how they could be illustrated, others were more tricky."
View the words with their beautiful meanings in the gallery above.
To find more of Emma Block’s work, visit her website here.
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