Retirement Life

Great things to do solo

Living life to the fullest means experiencing new things and getting out of you comfort zone. If you're flying solo it can be especially hard to motivate yourself to get out and about. However, consider the freedom you have to choose your own adventures. Don’t let fear of uncertainties hold you back, there are plenty of great things to do solo!

Here are just a few.

Go exploring
Don’t be held up by the needs and wants of other people. When you live independently you can explore on a whim. Go for a nature walk, meander the city or visit a museum. Join group walking tours or sign-up for cooking classes and wine tastings. You might meet a new friend with similar interests.

Go Travelling
If you love the idea of travel but are uncertain about how you would go planning the entire trip by yourself, look into booking with a tour group even for a day trip. This provides you with instant transport to all major attractions, as well as included meals. Ultimately it gives you the ability to relax while your tour guide takes care of all the details.  

Go to a show
Going to the theatre or a movie by yourself is a great activity. This can be just as fun by yourself, so choose something you want to see, take a taxi and have a night out on the town.

Join a community group
Look into joining a community group or volunteering. It could be as simple as painting, joining a book club, taking an aerobics class or visiting a local church. There are always like-minded people around, so step out and make some new friends while learning a new activity!

Try something new
It’s easy to stick to the same old habits, but by trying new activities, foods and meeting new people, you will add colour and fun to your life. While it may seem overwhelming at first glance, why not take the plunge? You’ll find all these activities are great to do alone!

Written by Jessica Morris. Republished with permission of Wyza.com.au.

volunteering, community, solo, retirement life