50 reasons why you should love being over 50
It might not surprise you, but most studies find that we are happiest between the ages of 50 and 70. For the most part you’ve done worrying about what other people think of you, built more than a little resilience and your career and kids are not demanding the attention they once did. Now it’s finally time for you.
We’re building the list of reason to love being over 50 and we’d love you to help us get it to 50! What are your favourites?
Reasons to love being over 50
1. You’re old enough to really appreciate your parents.
2. You’re happy in your own skin.
3. Experiences mean more than things.
4. You’ve got more me time now that the kids are off your hands.
5. A really fantastic cup of coffee.
6. You can finally get to work on that bucket list.
7. Spending time with great friends.
8. Older and bolder, self confidence tends to grow with age.
9. Eating chocolate cake for dinner. With no ‘example to set’, you can eat whatever you want whenever you want!
10. Sleeping in!
11. Freckles and knobbly knees – the things we used to obsess about when a teenager seem utterly irrelevant now.
12. Having the time to actually read a great book.
13. Family - spending precious time with crazy cousins, kooky aunts and much loved parents, children and grandchildren.
14. And speaking of them – GRANDCHILDREN !
15. After a lifetime of delivering 'what is expected'. No more expections!
16. Knowledge gained and amazing memories.
17. We can participate in life with the energy and enthusiasm of a child but with the wisdom of experience - just magic!
18. Setting your own schedule and time-frames because you are finally your own boss!
19. Having the time to travel for more than a month a year (and when it isn't school hoildays).
20. Spending time with grandchildren who love you back unconditionally. Being able to read to grandchildren for as long as you want to, without worrying about all the jobs that still need doing.
21. Having the time to write about experiences brings a whole new perspective to amazing holidays and relationships.
22. Being old enough to know better but then doing it anyway.
23. Realising you don't need to worry about what others think. You only need to answer to yourself.
24. Seeing all the kids and 'young people' wearing the 'latest fashion' that you wore at the same age as they are now.
25. Having a great cup of tea with an old friend and having the time to just enjoy spending time together.
26. ?
Now help us build our list and tell us your favourite reasons …
Republished with permission of Wyza.com.au.