Retirement Life

Readers response: What are your biggest regrets from your 20s?

We asked our reader what they regret from their 20s, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. 

Lynne Fairbrother - No regrets, my 20's was great.

Graham Turnor - Listening to politicians!

Helen Dickenson - Travelling! As now travelling in my 70s is more difficult.

Maureen James Barlow - Not having the knowledge I have in my 70’s. Boy would I have done things differently.

Debra Walker - So many things. First was getting married! And not follow my dreams of travelling. If only you could turn back time.

Kathryn Bagust - Not speaking up for myself!

Karen Ambrose - Not being adventurous enough.

Ann Nicholls - Biggest regret is having no children, which has broken my heart. Also marrying the wrong man in my 20’s and stupidly staying with him until I had the courage to walk away and not look back at age 39.

Colleen Burgess - Spending every pay check! Should've saved!

Caroline Wilson - Never should have got married, should have just waited it out.

Dianne Roberts - Taking too much notice of what other people think I should be doing.

Denise Farrugia - Didn't travel enough. 

Maureen Byrne - Not taking a job as a travel agent when offered to me with all the free travel back then.

Cat Duffy - Getting married. 

Di Telf - Not going to Uni earlier.

Linda Craig - Not following my heart. 

Judith Leoni - Maybe that I never got enough sleep!

Image credits: Shutterstock

retirement life, readers response, regret, age