Alex O'Brien
Retirement Life

Inspiring people who work full-time over 90

Our generation is known for a strong work ethic, but we’re not sure we could keep up with these inspirational seniors, who still work full time even in their 90s! However, they may be on to something. As we reported last month, recent studies have shown that as you work past 65, your life expectancy increases.

At an age where most of us would expect to find ourselves in total relaxation mode after a lifetime of hard work, these incredible nonagenarians and centenarians are still putting their nose to the grindstone every day and loving it.

Jean Beanham, 92

Beanham’s Melbourne motorbike parts store has been a fixture of Elizabeth Street for more than four decades, and the 92-year-old has been there through it all. Her 38-hour work week runs from Monday to Friday plus a half-day on Saturday. “I don't like holidays,” Beanham tells The Age. “When you get old, you need your brain working.” We couldn’t agree more!

Agnes Zhelesnik, 102

Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you – this amazing teacher really is 102 years old! In fact, she has officially been named America’s oldest living schoolteacher. Affectionately known as “Granny” by her pupils, Zhelesnik only began teaching at the age of 81 and still works 35 hours a week at the Sundance School in New Jersey. “I’m busy every minute,” she told The Star-Ledger.

Reginald Huntley, 96

This British grandfather works 40 hours a week, travelling around Kent in the UK selling woollen clothing and accessories. Rising at 6 am every morning, Huntley works 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. In an interview with Mirror Online, he says, “I hate the thought of sitting at home because people deteriorate.” As for what keeps him going? Huntley visits the gym once a week and loves a good meal of “meat and two veg.”

When did you retire? Do you think you could have kept working in your 90s? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Related links:

100-year-old best friends unimpressed with today’s pop culture

91-year-old shares advice for staying young at heart

105-year-old proves volunteering has no age limit

life, retirement, work, Centenarian, nonagenarian