Melody Teh

Bride brings wedding to mum in home for Alzheimer’s

For most brides on their big day it’s important that their special inspiration is there for them. In Julia Napolitano’s case this special person is her mother.

So when Julia’s mother was unable to attend her wedding, the bride brought the wedding reception to her mother.

Linda, 66, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in October 2009, she no longer recognises her family and lives in an assisted care facility in Wisconsin.

Julia, 30, an only child, wanted her mother to be present for her big day and her husband, Justin Phillips, 28, agreed.

Silverado Oak Village was open to the idea of having the wedding reception there at the aged care facility. Both wedding guests and residents at the reception enjoyed drinks, snacks and cake provided by the facility. The bride’s father even did a brief little dance with his wife.

The newlyweds shared their special day with the people who are most special to them and even after the big day, Julia Napolitano says it seems to have had a positive effect on her mother who has evidently been in better spirits since the wedding.

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wedding, mother, bride, Reception