How to snake-proof your house and garden

If there’s one thing that strikes fear into many Australians, it’s snakes. Sure, some of them are harmless but they are still the last thing you want to see in your home or garden. There are some ways to make your home less inviting to these reptiles.
1. Block their entrance
Snakes like to hide in quiet places such as your roof, garage or underneath the house. Try to make it harder for them to get in by covering any holes leading in or out, and ensuring that screens and doors are kept shut.
2. Keep your garden tidy
Snakes like to hide, so keep things neat in the backyard to stop them finding a place to do so. Keep your lawns mowed, and garden beds weeded. Keep your shed locked, and be sure to have a clear out regularly to remove any old boxes. If you have wood stored outside try to have minimal space between each piece so that they can’t use it as shelter. Avoid keeping grass clippings and mulch in a pile as snacks find the warmth appealing.
3. Seal holes in walls
Snakes love rock and brick walls as they can use them to keep warm, provide shelter, and find food. Block up any holes that they could hide in by filling them in.
4. Reduce the rodent population
Snakes like houses that have mice and rats, so try reducing their numbers. Place bait in your house and garden (ensure it is pet-friendly) and this should reduce the chances of snakes hanging around.
5. Keep birds safe
Ensure any chook pens or bird cages are well protected from snakes entering them. Also be sure to keep them clean so that rats and mice aren’t entering the pens either.
6. Keep your bins tidy
When you dispose of food scraps, always ensure they are in a sealed garbage bag in your bin, rather than just loose. This will keep rats and mice away, and therefore snakes too.
7. Watch your plant choice
Think about the types of plants in your garden if snakes are an issue. Low shrubs and bushes are the ideal spot for a snake. Taller trees and flowers could be a better option. Also be sure to keep leaf litter to a minimum as it’s the perfect hiding spot for snakes.
Images: Getty