Rachel Fieldhouse
International Travel

A royal’s world: Spots around the world named after Queen Elizabeth II

Between parks, streets, cities, and even mountain ranges, the late Queen Elizabeth II has become the namesake of numerous spots around the world.

In fact, there are at least 46 places that are named after the monarch - including some surprising locales.

Canada boasts the most royally-named spots, with 22 locations including two sets of Queen Elizabeth Islands and the Queen Elizabeth Ranges.

The late Queen Elizabeth II is the namesake for plenty of locations around the world, including this mountain range in Canada. Image: "Queen Elizabeth Range from near 1st 'hill' summit" by sf-dvs is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Even the farthest reaches of the world show a nod to royalty, with Antarctica boasting Princess Elizabeth Land - named before she was crowned queen - and Queen Elizabeth Land, which is twice the size of the UK according to the BBC.

In Zimbabwe, you’ll find Princess Elizabeth Island, which was named after her at the request of her father, George VI, while Queenstown, Singapore, received its royalty-themed name a year after she was coronated.

According to the BBC, the UK is home to a whopping 237 roads named after her, far outstripping the 153 named for Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II’s great-great-grandmother.

Images: Getty Images / James Yungel (NASA)

International Travel, Queen Elizabeth II, Namesake