Georgia Dixon
International Travel

This airline plans to weigh passengers before every flight

An airline in Europe has announced its plans to start weighing passengers before they board a flight.

The controversial move by Finnish airline Finnair means up to 100-150 of its passengers would be asked to step on the scales, along with their luggage, before every flight.

While the airline isn’t planning to penalise any travellers it considers to be “overweight”, it’s believed the company is implementing this new system to cut operating costs.

By knowing the exact weight and balance of each aircraft, Finnair will be able to reduce its operating costs when it comes to refuelling its fleet of planes.

Up until now, Finnair has been using the guidelines and estimates provided by the European Aviation Safety Agency, which were released eight years ago.

How do you feel about stepping on a scale and being weighed at the airport before boarding a flight? Tell us in the comments below. 

travel, flying, weight, airline, Finnair