Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

Is this the most eccentric event in Australia?

Australians have some pretty odd forms of entertainment. From the Moomba Birdman Rally to the Northern Territory’s Camel Cup, there’s no shortage of eccentric events Down Under. And this one might just take the cake.

Each year, hundreds of punters descend upon Brisbane’s Story Bridge Hotel to celebrate Australia Day with some good, old-fashioned cockroach racing. The Cockroach Races have become a permanent fixture as part of the pub’s Aussie Day celebrations and while it might seem as much fun as looking through the pantry of a 21-year-old’s share house in the middle of the night, it’s a tradition that stretches back 36 years.

Race fans surround the ring where the cockroaches are held in a plastic container, then released with the first one making it to the outside declared the winner.

Check out the video above to see how it works.

Have you ever attended the Cockroach Races? Let us know in the comments below. 

australia, travel, Brisbane, Australia Day, domestic, Race, cockroach, Story Bridge Hotel