Readers response: If you could live abroad temporarily, where would you go and why?

We asked our readers where they would settle if they could relocate, and why they would pick their new home destination, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.
Cathy Parker - Scotland, and it wouldn't be temporarily, it would be permanent!
Karleen Green - Ireland, but without winter.
Jackie A Morris - Southern Spain, beautiful place and wonderful people.
Lyn McLaughlin - London. I'd easily fit in there.
Jeanne Meyers - South Africa as I lived there for 10 years and loved it.
Jenny Harris - Italy. I just love the atmosphere, friendliness of people and way of life.
Stuart Galloway - Menorca, Spain. Nice people, laid back atmosphere, and fewer (and better behaved) tourists compared to Ibiza and Majorca.
Ruth Peter Nussbaumer - Italy or southern Switzerland. So much culture and food. I would have to be millionaire though!
Yvonne Knight - Vietnam. Gorgeous people and very inexpensive.
Robyn Wilkie - Canada or Alaska. Been twice but never long enough. Love, love those places.
Kathy Wise - Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Canada!
Barbara Dakers - South Island New Zealand, or Norway. Poles apart but both so very beautiful, natural, peaceful and friendly.
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