Georgia Dixon
International Travel

6 ways to avoid the most common travel expenses

Unless you’ve just hit the jackpot, travelling around the world is always going to be expensive to a certain extent. But there’s no reason it has to be prohibitively so.

Here are six of the most common travel expenses, and how to avoid them.

1. ATM withdrawal and exchange rate fees

Many people travelling overseas often find themselves slugged with multiple withdrawal and exchange rate fees when they’re trying to withdraw cash. Travel money cards provide a cheap way to manage your money while you’re overseas, ensuring you will only pay the minimum withdrawal fees when accessing your cash.

2. High season travel surcharge

Saving money on your holiday can sometimes be as simple as choosing a different date on the calendar. Particularly if you’re travelling to a popular vacation spot, choosing to take your holiday during ‘off’ season can see your make some huge savings across the board, but especially when it comes to things like transport, meals and accommodation.

3. Dining at tourist traps

If you’re eating near a tourist attraction odds are you’re going to have to pay a surcharge for it. Instead of this, it’s a good idea to seek out local cuisines in privately owned establishments. Not only will you save money, you’ll actually get a more authentic experience. 

4. Taxis rides

Of course there are situations where catching a taxi is unavoidable, but if you’re willing to seek out public transport options it can be much cheaper to get around the destination you’re visiting. You will also get an infinitely more authentic travelling experience.

5. International phone charges

Gone are the days of risking friendship and family by placing a reverse charge international phone call to keep track of things on the other side of the world. With wifi freely available and a range apps like WhatsApp and Skype, you can easily contact family for free. 

6. Cancellation fees

So many people have their holidays ruined by forces outside their control. The only way to recoup your expenses is having a flexible, reliable travel insurance policy that ensures you will be covered if the unthinkable happens while you’re travelling.

Have you every unnecessarily paid for any of these travel expenses? Do you have a trip on the cards, and if so where are you planning to go?

Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

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finance, travel, holiday, money, expenses