Ben Squires
Travel Tips

10 clever and creative ways to pass time on a layover

After a lengthy flight, knowing you’re going to be stuck in transit for a few hours (or even longer) before another lengthy flight can be quite a daunting prospect.

But instead of spending hours staring vacantly onto the tarmac, there’s much more you can do! We’re going to look at 10 ways you can entertain yourself while on a layover. These 10 creative tips will ensure you’re never bored when stuck in transit.

1. Go for a stroll

The design and setup of modern airports is endlessly fascinating, and a casual stroll around the terminal can be a nice way to stretch your legs after a long haul.

2. Send some postcards

You’re never going to get a better opportunity on your trip to send some snail mail, so head to the gift shop, pick out some postcards and a pen and get writing!

3. Get some shuteye

If you’re the sort of person who struggles sleeping on a flight, a layover is the perfect opportunity to have a quick catnap (if you don’t mind the airport carpet).

4. Organise your carry-on luggage

If you’re bag has become a tangled mess from retrieving passports and boarding passes, now’s the best time to get everything in order for the next leg of your trip.  

5. Freshen up in the bathroom

Even at the dirtiest airport the facilities are considerably more spacious than the ones available at 40,000 feet, so make use of the opportunity to freshen up.  

6. Practice some yoga (stretch)

If confused looks aren’t that big a deal, a quiet airport terminal is the perfect time to practice some yoga (and if you’re not much of a yogi, just stretch out and relax).

7. Enjoy some people watching

Airports are a melting pot of cultures, religions and ages, so pick a comfy spot near a busy airport gate and guess where people are from (and where they’re going).

8. Catch up with family and friends

While this probably isn’t the time to be making an international call, if the terminal has a free wifi service now is a good opportunity to message your nearest and dearest.

9. Double-check your itinerary

Keep an eye out on the alerts and the boards to make sure you’re waiting at the correct gate, and run through some of the important details on your itinerary.

10. Go for a daytrip

If you’re staying at an airport for eight hours or longer between flights, make sure you take the opportunity to look around. But make sure you check the visa requirements of the country before heading off (you want to be able to get back in)!

What do you like to do when you're stuck in an airport?

Let us know in the comments. 

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travel, Travel tips, flight, AIrport