Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

8 common mistakes when packing checked-in luggage

Anyone who’s ever been on holidays would agree that packing is a fine art. This is particularly true for checked-in luggage, which will be sitting precariously in the cargo hold.

Here are eight common mistakes when packing checked-in luggage.

1. Packing valuables

As a rule of thumb, never pack anything in your checked bag that you wouldn’t be willing to permanently part with. Items like laptops, tablets and prescription medication are better off in your carry-on luggage. Care must be taken for pricey souvenirs as well. If they’re too large and fragile to fit safely in your bag, it might be worth shipping them home.  

2. Putting your liquids in a bad spot

Nothing ruins your holiday outfits like an exploded bottle of shampoo. Make sure the lids of any liquids you’re stowing in your checked luggage are secure otherwise the first thing you might be doing when you arrive at your destination is a load of laundry.

3. Loose zippers and compartments

Even if you don’t have anything stored in these compartments it’s important to ensure the zippers are closed and secure as they can easily get caught in the conveyor belt at an airport, which could lead to them getting damaged and lost in transit.   

4. Travelling with an unmarked bag

You’d be surprised how many times the wrong suitcase is picked up by accident at a baggage claim. Something as simple as tying a colourful ribbon can be a great way to separate your luggage from the pack. Alternatively, you can try a more unique method.

5. Getting too close to the airline’s weight limit

This is particularly important for your return trip, by which time you’ve probably purchased a few souvenirs. Getting too close to your airline’s weight limit significantly increases your chance of going over it, so try to allow for a bit of wriggle room.

7. Bringing all your clothes in your checked bag

If something does happen to our checked luggage it could be a while before you have a full holiday wardrobe to choose from, so make sure you bring a couple of clothing items in your carry-on that can tide you over until your luggage is returned.

8. Not having travel insurance

Travel insurance can help us out in situations where our luggage hasn’t made it all the way to our destination.

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Related links:

5 smart ways to prevent your luggage getting lost

5 tips to get through airport security quickly

10 items you MUST carry in your travel medical kit

travel, luggage, holiday, bags, Check in