Charlotte Foster
Travel Tips

Doctor shares his top tips for tackling jet lag

Dr Nick Coatsworth has shared his fool-proof hacks to tackle jet lag on your next international flight. 

The TV host and doctor often travels around the world for work, and as a result, knows a thing or two about feeling jet lagged. 

"I hate jet lag. I suffer from it a lot," he told 9Travel.

Despite being prone to jet lag, Coatsworth has honed his own tips for tackling the dreaded side effect of travelling across time zones.

"Stay awake for as long as you possibly can to try and reset your body clock," he advises.

Another go-to hack to overcome jet lag is a simple change you can make as soon as you board the plane. 

"As soon as I get on the plane I change my watch to the destination time," he said.

While there are many tips and tricks floating around that people use to beat the dreaded jet lag, Dr Nick said all you can do is try to adjust to a new time zone as soon as possible. 

"Ultimately you've just got to push through the fatigue and try and resync yourself as quickly as possible," he says.

Image credits: Nine / Shutterstock

travel tips, Dr Nick Coatsworth, jet lag