Travel Tips

The real etiquette on tipping in 5 different countries

When you’re in another country for the first time, remembering the exchange rate can be tricky enough, without having to try and figure out how much you should be tipping people – or if you should even be tipping them at all. So we’ve done a bit of research and have the lowdown on tipping in five different countries around the world.


At restaurants, around 10 to 15 per cent of the bill is a polite tip. When at hotels, around 10 to 20 pesos per bag for the porter, 20 to 50 pesos per night for your housekeeper, and at least 100 pesos for the concierge. For your guide or driver, around 100 to 200 pesos per full day, or around 300 pesos if they do both jobs.


At restaurants, a 10 per cent tip is usually included, and locals will usually throw in some loose change to make the total tip around 15 per cent. Likewise at hotels, a 10 per cent service charge will be included in your bill, but employees don’t always see this, so a dollar here and there to the porters and cleaning staff would mean a lot. Guides would appreciate between $25 and $40 per couple, while a taxi driver should be tipped about 10 per cent.


Another country where tipping isn’t customary, thoug some services will appreciate the gesture. A guide or driver should be offered 2,500 to 5,000 yen in an envelope. If you stay at a ryokan (a traditional Japanese inn), you should offer the private attendant 5,000 yen in an envelope for a two-night stay.


At restaurants, you might see the words “service compris” on your bill, indicating that a tip is not necessary, but locals will leave up to 10 per cent. This is not expected at bars. At your hotel, two euros per bag for a porter, one or two euros for your housekeeper, and 10 to 15 euros for favours from the concierge (restaurant bookings, etc). If you have a guide, about 25 euros per day, or up to 50 for one who is nationally certified. Any private airport transfers should be given 10to 20 euros, while taxi drivers should get 10 to 15 per cent of the fare.


After a meal at a restaurant, it’s customary to tip a maximum of 5 to 10 per cent (10 for a smaller bill, 5 for larger). At hotels, one euro per bag for porters, and a maximum of one euro per day for housekeepers. For group tour guides, 4 to 6 euros per person is fine, while a personal tour guide should be given 40 to 60 euros for a full day.


travel, Japan, Guide, france, tipping, Mexico, Indonesia, Greece