Charlotte Foster
Travel Tips

Expert shares best destinations for solo female travellers

At 63 years old, Christina Ford is a seasoned traveller, with most of her travels being done alone. 

After exploring dozens of countries with just her own company, Ford has shared her tips on where to go and how to stay safe for other women who are contemplating seeing the world by themselves. 

When asked for her favourite destinations for solo female travellers, Ford told MailOnline that there are two places she will also recommend. 

She said, “I am a huge fan of Italy and have travelled there extensively. My favourite solo place is Cinque Terre, five ancient fishing villages connected by sea, train or hiking. It's the perfect combination of healthy living, gorgeous vistas and fabulous food.”

Christina also recommends her home country of Canada as “great for solo travellers”, explaining, “If you prefer something more urban, Toronto is a fantastic choice. Often described as New York run by the Swiss, it’s a great food town with safe and clean public transit. As a solo traveller, it’s easy to get a single ticket for a Broadway-style show.” 

“Canada is generally a safe country filled with friendly people who will gladly point you in the right direction - and probably apologise if you get lost. But part of the fun and growth of travelling is allowing yourself to get lost!”

Christina went on to emphasise that “safety is crucial” for solo women travellers, and recommended to always carry a phone charger as “you never know where the day could take you” and sharing your live location with a friend or family member can provide peace of mind. 

She also always pins her hotel's location on Google Maps and advises “using your common sense” around “sketchy areas”, and also recommends not travelling anywhere without travel insurance. 

After falling in love with travelling solo, Christina wants to share how valuable travelling alone is, and urges women not to be dissuaded by seeing the world if you don’t have a companion. 

She said, “There are so many fabulous things about travelling solo. You’re on your own schedule, doing what you want to do. Your time is your own, and you can pivot at any moment.”

“And you meet new people. Far more than if you were travelling with someone. Plus, you learn how capable you are. I’ve learned more about myself travelling alone than at almost any other time - it’s amazing discovering what great company you are!”

Image credits: Instagram 

travel tips, solo, women