Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

Managing mobility limitations on extended trips

Anyone who’s managed mobility issues would agree that while there are challenges, with the right preparation you can still enjoy a rich, fulfilling life. Travel is no different.

We’re going to run through a simple guide to managing mobility issues on extended trips. We a little bit of planning we’re sure you’ll find you won’t be missing too much at all, and still enjoying the exhilarating experience of travelling the world.

1. Make sure you call ahead

If you have special mobility needs then you’re going to want to make sure your accommodation/tour guide/transport provider knows about this well before you rock up. Make sure they’re aware of your condition at the time of the booking. Be as specific as possible when describing the condition, as they will be better able to accommodate you with more information. 

2. Try to avoid connecting flights if possible

This is sometimes an impossibility, but connecting flights can be incredibly difficult for people with mobility issues to manoeuvre through. If you do have to make a connection make sure airport staff are aware of your needs, and they should be able to provide assistance. And always make sure that you have allowed for plenty of time to get from one gate to the next.

3. Make sure you bring plenty of spare parts

You never know what’s around the corner, so having spare parts on hand for the devices that assist your movement is always quite handy. Even if it’s minor tools and parts that are just enough to get you to a place where you can have your mobility device worked on, having some tools and spare parts handy gives you an added level of peace of mind when travelling.

Related links:

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travel, holiday, Disability, Wheelchair, mobility