Michelle Reed
Travel Tips

4 clever ways to win over your flight attendant

Flight attendants have a pretty demanding job. They have to deal with screaming children, obnoxious drunks, 10 people who want to change seats, and all the while be on high alert in case of an emergency.

It’s no wonder then that some passenger requests fall by the wayside. However, if you win over you flight attendant, he or she is likely to go the extra mile to help you out. Here are four ways to do just that, and its’ more than just being polite.

1. Return their greeting

When you board a plane, the entrance in flanked with two to three flight attendants welcoming every, single passenger on board. If you respond warmly and confidently in a sea of head nods, you’re bound to get yourself noticed.  

2. Be celebrating something

Are you on your way to a wedding? Celebrating an anniversary? Flight attendants will want to help people celebrate special occasions, so if you’re subtly vocal about it, you may find yourself with a free glass of bubbles.

3. Help your fellow passengers

If a flight attendant sees you helping another passenger, be it with their bags or otherwise, you’re in for a flurry of appreciation for saving their time, and more likely to get that extra blanket.

4. Be a good person

Of course, above all else, the best way to get on anyone’s good side is to be a genuinely good person. Ask for things nicely and look them in the eye, and you deserve decent service in return.

Or, if all else fails, maybe board your next flight wearing a military uniform or carrying a stethoscope. Apparently, that works too.

Do you think it’s wrong for people in customer service to play favourite, or just human nature? Let us know in the comments below. 

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travel, holiday, flight, plane, people