Shannen Findlay
Travel Trouble

Half-naked man shocks plane passengers on 10-hour flight

Sometimes flying isn’t the best experience to be had – it can be long, tiring and cramped, so making arrangements to be comfortable such as a neck pillow, cosy clothes or a device to pass the time are all expected to be seen on a flight.

However, one Air France passenger went to new heights when it came to getting comfortable when she posted to Twitter a man sitting across her aisle on 10-and-a-half-hour flight in his boxer shorts.

Lizzie Thompson was on the flight from Paris to Los Angeles when she said a fellow passenger sitting across from her came out of the plane bathroom with no pants, shoes or socks on.

“The man in the seat across from me has taken HIS PANTS OFF for the flight and is just in his boxers… This is going to be a long flight,” she wrote on Twitter.

Although she tried to get flight attendants' attention, little was done to appease other passengers, noting they seemed “unconcerned” by the situation. Despite offering to move Ms Thompson, there were no attempts to ask the man to place his pants back on.

“He offered to move me (which would mean losing my bulkhead legroom) but just shrugged when I suggested he ask the man to put his pants back on,” she wrote.

Adding fire to the already bizarrely lit flames – the half-naked passenger allegedly shouted at a man who boarded with a ukulele to “COME SIT WITH ME AND MAKE SOME MUSIC”.

The pant-less stranger also stole “4 mini bottles of wine from the cart,” two hours into the flight and perhaps strangest of all – became so cold he put a thick winter jacket on but left his pants off for the whole flight.

People reading the story on social media were not impressed by the situation.

It was considered indecent exposure to breastfeed an infant in public in Idaho until 2018. Hashtag white cis male privilege. I’m so sorry you had to endure this.

February 19, 2019

At least, Ms Thompson affirms, there is nothing quite like a pant-less man to tie a group of onlooking strangers together.

“Nothing bonds a group of passengers like a man half naked in your section,” she joked. 

travel trouble, flying, naked, twitter, social media, funny, disturbing