Danielle McCarthy
Travel Trouble

What to do if your cruise cabin neighbours are terrible

Uh oh. If it looks like you’re going to be living in close quarters with some difficult neighbours, there’s a few things you can do.

Talk to them

We like to give people the benefit of the doubt – maybe your neighbours don’t know they are being really annoying. The first thing you should to is knock on the door and ask them very politely if they wouldn’t mind turning the TV down/not talking so loudly after midnight/whatever else it is that’s bothering you. If you want to avoid confrontation altogether, a note under the door can also work wonders.

Let your cabin steward know

There’s a good chance that you share a steward with your neighbours, so you can use them as a neutral go between. The steward doesn't even have to tell the other people who made the complaint. They can just remind them of the standards of behaviour for the ship and ask them to keep it down.

Speak to management

If things are unbearable, you may have to take things to the next level. Speak to one of the head crew members about the behaviour and ask what can be done. It may be that they will need to get security involved or that one of the groups will be required to move cabins. This is really a last resort, so before you escalate your problems to this level, be sure that it is genuinely warranted.

Take your own precautions

If nothing else can be done, then you might need to make your own changes. Invest in some ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones, play music in your own cabin and try to time your dinner or evening activities to coincide with the worst of the disturbances.

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