Alex O'Brien


12 rare photos of famous artists in their studios

12 rare photos of famous artists in their studios

For most artists, their workshop is like their home. It has to have the right amount of space yet still inspire as much creativity as possible. We’ve stumbled across these rare photographs of famous artists in their studios. Take a look in our gallery above, you may be surprised at some of their spaces!

  1. Pablo Picasso, 1956 (with Brigitte Bardot)
  2. Salvador Dali, 1939
  3. Jackson Pollock, 1950
  4. Frida Kahlo, ca. 1951
  5. David Hockney, 1963
  6. Andy Warhol, 1965
  7. Claude Monet, c. 1924
  8. Roy Lichtenstein, c. 1990
  9. Georgia O’Keeffe, 1960
  10. Auguste Rodin, 1902
  11. Francis Bacon, c. 1970s
  12. Edvard Munch, 1943

Tell us in the comments, have you ever been to any of these artists’ studios?

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