

Take this test: How many books can you read in a year?

Take this test: How many books can you read in a year?

How many books can you read in a year? Two out of five Australians read more than ten books per year, according to a 2016 report. However, you might be reading at a different speed and level.

This quiz by Lenstore will let you find out your individual reading skills compared to the people of Great Britain, as well as how long it will take you to complete popular titles such as Pride and Prejudice and the Harry Potter series.

It also lets you know how many more extra books you could read in a year if you increase your daily reading time. 

Take the test here:

The test measures your natural reading speed by giving a book excerpt and questions to prove that you understand the passage.

According to Lenstore, the average participant took 101 seconds to complete the test based on the results from 2,000 British adults. At this speed, they could read 33 books in a year if they dedicate 30 minutes every day to turning pages.

Surprisingly, people aged over 65 were found to read faster than participants in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

Frequent readers also finished the test much more quickly than non-readers – people who said they read more than 50 books a year completed the test in 76 seconds or 46 per cent faster than those who claimed to read no books at 112 seconds.

How does your result compare to these numbers? Let us know in the comments.