Melody Teh


5 reasons why Sean Connery is our favourite Bond

5 reasons why Sean Connery is our favourite Bond

While current Bond actor Daniel Craig comes a close second, and we have to give an honourable mention to fellow Australian George Lazenby, it will always be Sean Connery who comes out on top as the best ever James Bond. Here’s why.

1. He was the original – Sean Connery played the first ever James Bond, taking on the role a total of six times. He may not have fit the original novel’s Bond description, but was arguably the originator of the Hollywood action star, and we have him to thank for the Daniel Craigs and Tom Cruises who have followed after.  

2. His charm – The most charismatic and charming of the bond bunch, suave Connery had the smoothest one-liners, and first made the slick line, “Bond, James Bond” a house-hold phrase.

3. His acting – Of all of the Bonds, Connery is arguably one of the best when it comes to his acting chops, with perhaps only Craig coming in comparably. He went on to have a critically acclaimed career post-Bond and his Oscar for The Untouchables, a non-Bond movie, is palpable proof.

4. His fitness – As the original bond, Connery brought a ruggedness and impressive athleticism to the role as a result of his bodybuilding past as a contestant of the Mr Universe contest during the 50s.

5. He looks good in a suit – We’ll just leave this here for proof…