Basmah Qazi

Money & Banking

Jamie Oliver reveals the one food he cannot cook

Jamie Oliver reveals the one food he cannot cook

Jamie Oliver is known for his culinary prowess and his way around a kitchen, but there’s one thing the renowned chef struggles with.

Speaking to Hello! the TV show host spoke about the time he attempted to make toast which ended with an incident that involved the fire brigade.

“If I could admit to one problem that I have as a chef, and as a cook, the thing that I really ruin is toast. I tend to burn toast, I don’t know why,” he said.

“I have burned toast so badly the alarm went off and the fire brigade came to my house. Can you imagine how embarrassing that is?”

I guess it should make us mere mortals feel better as we can probably make a better slice of toast than Jamie Oliver, but sometimes, it really is the simplest of tasks that create the most amount of problems.