Ben Squires


4 signs your body is trying to tell you something

4 signs your body is trying to tell you something

Have you noticed any odd changes in your body? Perhaps your nails have become more brittle lately, or you’ve started to get cracks on the corners of your mouth. These small signs might seem insignificant, but they are your body’s way of signalling that a change has occurred.

Here are some of the key signs that your body is trying to tell you something:

Burping and indigestion

Find yourself burping or struggling with indigestion more than usual? It could be a sign that you’re low on stomach acid.

If your body is low on stomach acid, you won’t digest foods efficiently, especially those heavy in fat and protein. As digestion slows, food sits in the stomach along with the air you naturally swallow when you eat. The longer food stays in the stomach, the more likely you’ll burp.

Yellow spots around your eyes

Discoloured spots around your eyes and elbows can be a sign that your cholesterol levels are raised. It’s a condition known as xanthelasma, which can be your body’s way of telling you that your diet or exercise routine is amiss.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you need to check your cholesterol. A routine blood test will be able to give you the answer, and you can talk to your doctor about what lifestyle changes will help.

Itchy feet

Summertime often means more visits to the pool or time exercising outdoors. But sweaty trainers and damp feet can also lead to an increase in fungal infections.

If you notice your feet are itchy, take a closer look at the skin. If it’s white and flaking off, or simply damp between the toes you may have a fungal infection. Head to the pharmacist for an anti-fungal cream to clear it up, stat.

Cracks in the corners of your mouth

Small cracks in the skin at the corner of your mouth is often a sign that your body isn’t getting enough B vitamins. If your diet is high in refined and processed foods- think soft drink, pastries and pasta- B vitamins are often the first to take a hit.

The answer? Opt for a diet high in whole foods. Try eating more grains, legumes, salmon and red meat, all foods high in B vitamins. If in doubt, always contact a healthcare professional.

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