

Best high-protein foods for your diet

Best high-protein foods for your diet

Whether you eat meat, are a vegan, or a vegetarian, protein is a necessary staple in every diet. To make sure you’re getting your healthy share of protein, we outline the best foods protein-rich foods.

Edamame – Edamame beans are a type of prepared soy bean which contain protein, fibre, iron, and magnesium, all in one little pod.

Nuts – Nuts such as almonds or pistachios pack a high-protein content and have also been linked to good brain health.

Chicken – Chicken and turkey are two of the leaner meats available. As well as being high in protein, they contain zinc and vitamin B6, which support your immune system and heart.

Tuna – Tuna and other fish are great sources of protein as well as vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids, which help with healthy brain and heart function.

Eggs – Not only are eggs affordable and easy to incorporate in your diet, they are extremely high in protein content and keep you feeling full for long.

Tofu – For the vegos out there, or just anyone who is looking to expand their horizons beyond meat, tofu is made of soybean curds. Don’t let the look deter you, it tends to take on the flavour of whatever you cook it with and is surprisingly delicious.

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