Charlie Citrine


Your weekly horoscope for November 29th 2021

Your weekly horoscope for November 29th 2021

As this week welcomes in a new moon phase after the solar eclipse, it’s time to focus on new beginnings. 

By utilising the unbridled energy of a new moon, take charge of what’s important and filter out any negativity from your daily life. 

Seeking out new adventures and exciting opportunities with a childlike spirit of curiosity will ensure a week of fulfillment. 

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

As the Sun moves into your adventurous sector, it's time to take part in different experiences. 

Stop taking things so seriously, and look elsewhere for personal fulfilment. 

Devoting more attention to the noble pursuit of knowledge will be valuable in all aspects of your life. 

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Use this week to look inward and find areas of your life you could improve on. 

Don’t allow the responsibilities of your work-life balance destroy your ability to connect with those around you.

After some much needed self-reflection and an easing of pressure on yourself, take the time to enjoy your own company this week.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

As Mercury aligns with the Sun in your relationship sector, tensions will be high this week. 

This edgy tone will trickle into other aspects of your life, so don’t commit to hefty obligations. 

You’ll have strong and passionate feelings, but they will only be fleeting, so try not to overreact. 

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

You will be the peacekeeper this week, as dramas at home will see you needing to step in. 

While you may not have the patience for theatrics, try to be open-minded. 

Despite these tensions, you’ll be feeling extra sociable this week, so take the time to book in a date or friends day out. 

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

As the Sun joins Mercury in your sector for passion and creativity, it's important to work hard and play hard. 

Collaborating with people at work will see highly favourable outcomes, as your fiery energy will be infectious with others. 

Don’t close yourself off to romantic ventures, as you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Think before you speak, Virgo, as it’s all in the delivery this week. 

You can charm even your toughest critic if you just be wary of the energy in a room. 

Meanwhile, stars in your psychological sector will propel you forward to be the best version of yourself. 

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

A spiritual epiphany will strike this week, rewarding a deep search for answers and meaning. 

Expressive Mercury in your Sun’s alignment will promote clear communication and a much needed platform to relate to others. 

After these meaningful conversations, focus on developing inner peace and being comfortable with being alone. 

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

The Sun and Mercury will align in your financial sector, boosting your income from an unlikely source. 

Utilise this extra support by investing wisely and eliminating unnecessary spending. 

You may need to spend money to make money, but the returns will be worth the risk.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

Your gift of the gab will help you out this week, as you find a relatable platform to connect with others. 

By taking the time to listen, you will be able to reach your audience and engage in meaningful conversation. 

It is also a good time to take a trip this week, or reconnect with people as the festive season begins. 

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 20th)

You will be showered with success as a project you have poured your heart into will finally pay off. 

Meanwhile, the Sun aligning in your spiritual sector will inspire you to take time to reflect on what’s important. 

Be sure to enjoy the fleeting moments of silence. 

Aquarius (January 21st - February 18th)

You’ll feel a spring in your step to forge ahead in challenging yourself. 

Start with smaller steps and then venture further outside your comfort zone for adventures you won’t find in your safety bubble. 

If you fall, pick yourself back up and try again.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Changing your attitude to be more positive will set you up for exciting new beginnings. 

Allowing positive influences into your life will show you how to look on the bright side, and remind you of what’s important. 

Use this time to evaluate your lifestyle choices that may not be working for you in the long run. 

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