Beauty & Style
Meet the world’s most prolific royal lookalike

Going by the Instagram handle “Katesreplikates”, 41-year-old Danielle Magness-Wellmann from Minnesota has made it her life’s ambition to mimic as closely as possible the fashion stylings of Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, Queen Letizia of Spain, as well as Princesses Mary (Denmark), Victoria (Sweden) and Sofia (Duchess of Värmland, also from the Swedish royal family).
After Prince William announced his engagement to Kate Middleton back in 2011, Magness-Wellmann got so caught up in the romance of it all that she found herself tracking the path of their relationship – and more importantly to everything Kate wore.
"I started paying attention to Kate Middleton's clothing when they got engaged and fell in love with her style," she told Woman's Day.
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"I think Kate serves as an incredible role model of both substance and style. When she wears something that is accessible to the public it is a chance to own a piece of sartorial history. I keep on top of her wardrobe by looking at the royal calendar and Twitter – within minutes, someone online is able to recognise where an outfit is from and point me in the right direction for purchase.”
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Magness-Wellmann sets aside a good $1,500 every month in her quest for royal replica perfection, and to date she reckons she has spent at least $42,000 on the highly addictive fashion pastime.
"It is quite an addictive hobby,” she says. “But I can't always keep on top of Kate's looks due to the different time zones, so this may affect how many purchases I make. I always get more compliments when I'm dressed like a royal – not that people know my outfits are inspired by them."
Magness-Wellmann also finds inspiration in the outfits worn by Meghan Markle: "I love [her] style. She is much more laid-back and wears solid colours."
Images: Danielle Magness-Wellmann / Instagram