Melody Teh

Family & Pets

10 pics of parents and kids who look identical

10 pics of parents and kids who look identical

It’s no surprise when children look like their parents, but sometimes the resemblance is just so striking that’s it hard to believe they’re not the same person! These side-by-side photos of parents and their children at the same age show that for some families, the apple doesn’t fall from the tree.

1. Father and son

1 (88)

2. Grandmother and granddaughter

2 (93)

3. Father and son

3 (91)

4. Mother and daughter

4 (82)

5. Grandmother and granddaughter

5 (80)

6. Mother and daughter

6 (75)

7. Father and daughter

7 (68)

8. Father and son

7 (69)

9. Grandmother, mother and daughter

9 (52)

10. Mother and daughter

10 (39)

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