Georgia Dixon

Home & Garden

15 genius cleaning tricks that will save you time

15 genius cleaning tricks that will save you time

In our busy lives, it can be difficult to find the time – or, let’s face it, the motivation – to deal with the mountains of household chores we’re all faced with. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming to get back on track. BuzzFeed has found 15 incredibly smart, incredibly quick cleaning tricks that will change the way you do housework forever.

Take a look for yourself in the gallery above.

  1. Kill bacteria in your sponges by throwing them in the microwave for two minutes.
  2. Remove nasty smells from your couch by sprinkling baking soda all over and then vacuuming.
  3. Use an old, fluffy sock on your floor cleaner (e.g. Swiffer) instead of an expensive refill.
  4. Restore shine to your favourite jewellery by soaking them in hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Use a lemon to remove hard water stains from your shower.
  6. To clean stovetop rings, soak them overnight in a large zip-lock bag with ammonia.
  7. Dust ceiling fan blades with a pillowcase to catch the dust.
  8. Use a lint roller to dust fabric lampshades.
  9. Remove build up on your showerhead by tying a zip-lock bag filled with vinegar over it.
  10. Clear a blocked drain by pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.
  11. Remove grease from cooking trays by scrubbing with aluminium foil and soap.
  12. Remove scratches from wooden furniture with ¼ cup vinegar and ¾ cup olive oil.
  13. Use a ketchup bottle lid with your vacuum to clean hard-to-reach nooks.
  14. Clean cast-iron pans with half a potato and salt.
  15. Polish your stainless steel appliances with cream of tartar.

Tell us in the comments below, what’s your number-one cleaning tip that saves time and effort?

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