Ben Squires

Home & Garden

15 clever uses for apple cider vinegar

15 clever uses for apple cider vinegar

Who doesn’t love a product with loads of different uses? We’ve talked before about the wonder of coconut oil and even baking soda for uses around the house. Today we look at apple cider vinegar. 

Not just for salad dressing, ACV has so many uses. Try these and see for yourself. For maximise health benefit, look for organics ACV that says “With mother”. 

1. Cleaning

No need to use harsh chemicals around the house, just pop equal amounts of ACV and water into a spray bottle and away you go.

2. Odours

If you have a problem with a smell in the house, such as dampness or smoke from cooking, just place some ACV in a shallow bowl near the site. Leave it there until the smell is gone.

3. Weeds

Who knew that ACV could be used to get rid of weeds in the garden. Just pour it directly on the weedy areas.

4. Pets

Mix up a bottle of half ACV and half water. Rub this onto dogs and cats as a way to repel fleas.

5. Dandruff

Grab a cup of water and add a tablespoon of ACV. Mix well. Use this to rinse your hair in the shower.

6. Deodorant

Keep underarm smells away with a swipe of ACV. The vinegar smell will evaporate as it dries, so don’t worry. 

7. Warts

Simply dampen a cotton ball with ACV and secure to the affected area overnight with tape or a band aid.

8. Sunburn 

Add a cup of ACV to a cool bath to ease the sting of sunburn.

9. Bruises

The anti-inflammatory properties of ACV mean it’s perfect to get rid of bruises on the skin. Wipe on some ACV using a cotton ball to help minimise the colour.

10. Teeth

Try this before forking out cash on a whitening product. Rub it into your teeth and then rinse with water.

11. Feet

Some shoes just seem to cause smelly feet. Use a splash of ACV on a baby wipe and give those feet a rub down to remove odours.

12. Soup

Add a splash of ACV to your soup for a great hit of flavour.

13. Muscles

Overdone it and feeling the burn? Relieve sore muscles by rubbing some ACV into the affected area.

14. Itches

If you have a mosquito bite or jellyfish sting, ACV can help get rid of the itchiness.

15. Sore throat

Make yourself a mixture (half water, half ACV) to gargle to get rid of germs in your throat.

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