

5 signs you're ready to start dating again

5 signs you're ready to start dating again

Dealing with a breakup or a loss of a loved one is tough and takes time. It might not seem likely but at some point you may feel like getting back in the “game”. It can be hard to figure out exactly when you are ready to pursue another romantic relationship though. For many people, the thought of dating can be daunting if you’ve been out of the dating world for a long time. But remember there’s a big bright world out there with many wonderful people ready to make your acquaintance. Here are some signs that you might be ready to meet somebody new.

You have let go

This is the hardest thing to do but once you have truly let go then you are ready to start dating again. Whether you are widowed or divorced, you need to let yourself grieve. There is no time limit and it can be a painful process but there will come a day where you feel like you’re ready to make new memories. This may mean you no longer feel betrayed, hurt or angry. It might mean you know your loved one is gone so now you can look to the future. If you are still thinking of the past, you won’t be ready to give a new relationship a proper go. Think of what the future and the dating world will open up for you. 

You are at peace alone

Are you independent and happy to be alone? Sometimes after a breakup we become dependent on others to fill our time or our sense-of-self has been lost in being a couple for such a long time. Being at peace with yourself is about having a life that it not only yours but one you are satisfied with. After all, how can you be a partner to someone if you aren’t content with your life? It may seem strange but once you are comfortable with being alone, you are ready to meet somebody new. Remember you want to start dating, you don’t need too!

You know what you want

You don’t have to have everything figured out but it’s important you have an idea of want you want out of life moving forward. This can help you determine what you want (and don’t want) out of a new relationship. When you know what you want in life, the future and a companion, you’ll be able to see much clearer when you’ve found the person for you!

You are doing it for the right reasons  

The only reason you should begin dating again is if you are genuinely looking to meet someone new. You need to be honest with yourself – if you are looking to fill the void, a confidence boost, make somebody jealous, replace an old partner or afraid to be alone – you aren’t ready to start dating. Dating for the wrong reasons usually ends in disappointment and hurt.

Your friends and families tell you

After a painful loss or break-up, it’s common to get comfortable in a routine. You might think “that’s it” or it’s “too hard” even when family and friends are telling you to get back out there. It’s not the easiest thing to hear and you might think you know best, but sometimes your loved ones can see things you can’t. If your family and friends (who know you best) think you might be ready to start dating again, it might be the gentle push you need to go out and mingle! 

Images: Getty