Sahar Mourad

Retirement Life

Readers Respond: What was considered ‘cool’ for a child to have when you were younger?

Readers Respond: What was considered ‘cool’ for a child to have when you were younger?

We all do it… sit there and reminisce about the good ol’ days. What we used to do for fun, how times were simpler back then and what was SO COOL to have as a child.

We asked the OverSixty team what they considered COOL for a child while growing up and one said owning a Discman portable CD player, another said Heely shoes (the ones with a wheel) and another said scoobies (I am not explaining this). 

Now it’s your turn to tell us what you considered to be COOL for a child back when you were younger. 

Check out your responses below. 

Anne Smyth - A white ‘proper’ suitcase. God knows why because I didn’t go anywhere except my cousins in Frankston. I thought it was the bees knees!

Deb Van Daal - A pump up scooter. Didn’t have one. Bless I got a hard tyred scooter from the tip done up instead. Oh dear, never let my mum and dad forget it. I survived by the way.

Rae Scott - A sled to ride down the hill near our house. We made them ourselves out of timber we scrounged. Also I would have loved a pair of rubber thongs but our mother couldn’t afford six pairs.

Julia Santos - I am the 9th of 11 children so having new clothes was waaaaaay cool. Also, having an outfit for every day of the week was cool. And shoes that actually fit. We were very poor. But very rich in love and family togetherness.

Corinne Ridley - Roller skates was my dream, which I did eventually get, but in those days, anything you got was greatly appreciated!

Jenny Robertson - My brother and I loved our scooters which we thought were really cool.

Vicki Patterson - Slinkies, happy pants, hypercolour t-shirts, Super Mario, skateboards, and your own bike. I didn't have most of these though.

Jo Dippel - A dolla and doll’s pram, pedal car, scouter, bike, cowboy and girl outfits and a Davy Crockett hat

Noelene O'Donnell - No matter what it was my mum couldn’t afford it but I never felt deprived and my best friend had everything so I still got to play with it all.

Lynda Richardson - Mum and dad bought me a 3 wheeler for my 5th or 6th birthday, I still have it as is good condition, my younger sister used it all my nieces and nephews as well, and my children. 

Share your cool stories here.

Image: Shutterstock