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How to make healthy nachos with the perfect guacamole

<p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">'The healthy chef' Teressa Cutter shares her recipe for healthy nachos at home.</p> <p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020"><strong>Ingredients</strong></p> <ul class="List css-1hqo8ex-StyledUnorderedList-StyledBaseList ev5pl0r2"> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 onion, finely chopped</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 clove garlic, smashed</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 capsicum, finely diced</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 teaspoon ground cumin</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">½ teaspoon smoked paprika</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 x 400 g tin Roma tomatoes</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">125 ml water</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 x 400 g canned black beans, rinsed and drained</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">150 g sweet corn kernels</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 generous splash of green tabasco</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 teaspoon maple syrup</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">small bunch coriander, leaves and stalks chopped separately</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">sea salt and white pepper to taste</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">spring onions to scatter</li> </ul> <p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Sides / to serve</p> <ul class="List css-1hqo8ex-StyledUnorderedList-StyledBaseList ev5pl0r2"> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">guacamole or avocado</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">sliced red onion combined with cherry tomato, cucumber, lime juice</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Greek yoghurt</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">roasted sliced sweet potato</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">organic corn chips or corn tortillas</li> </ul> <p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020"><strong>Method</strong></p> <ol class="List css-1lqizin-StyledBaseList ev5pl0r1"> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Saute onion, garlic, capsicum, coriander stalks for 1 minute with the olive oil then add the cumin, paprika, tomatoes and water.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Add the black beans, corn, splash of tabasco, maple and a pinch of sea salt and pepper.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Fold through a handful of coriander.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Serve in the pan with your choice of sides such as guacamole, avocado, lime, yoghurt, roasted sweet potato or gluten free tortilla chips.</li> </ol> <h2 class="css-7sl3hd-StyledSubhead e188yva80">Smashed Guacamole</h2> <p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020"><strong>Ingredients</strong></p> <ul class="List css-1hqo8ex-StyledUnorderedList-StyledBaseList ev5pl0r2"> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 avocado, cut in half, stone removed</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Pinch of sea salt and white pepper</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 tablespoon lime juice</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">a few splashes of green tabacso (1 teaspoon)</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">2 tablespoons coriander, chopped</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">1 tablespoon red onion, finely chopped or spring onion</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">2 teaspoons avocado oil or olive oil (optional)</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Baby cucumbers to serve</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Celery sticks to serve</li> </ul> <p class="css-1316j2p-StyledParagraph e4e0a020"><strong>Method</strong></p> <ol class="List css-1lqizin-StyledBaseList ev5pl0r1"> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Scoop the flesh out of the avocado into a bowl.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Add the salt, white pepper, lime juice, tabasco, coriander, and red onion.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Mash together with a fork until combined and spoon onto a serving plate.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Drizzle with a little oil if using.</li> <li class="css-a2mnio-StyledTextListItem-StyledListItem ev5pl0r3">Serve with sliced baby cucumbers and celery.</li> </ol>

Food & Wine

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This 100-second-long Oscar-nominated film will blow you away

<p>Oscars night is all about the big-name films and the glitz and glamour of those who starred in them. But it’s also a massive night for everyone behind the scenes, from sound mixing to makeup. So, let’s look back at one of the unexpected hits of recent years – Fresh Guacamole, a 2012 short film by PES (director Adam Pesapane).</p> <p>At just 100 seconds long, it’s the shortest film in history to be nominated for an Oscar. And although it didn’t win, we can’t get enough of the oddly-satisfying, mouth-watering and ultra-creative short – and neither can the almost 50 million other viewers.</p> <p>Take a look at the incredible film above and tell us in the comments, what film would you like to see take home the Best Picture gong this year?</p> <p><em>Credit: <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">PESfilm</span></strong></a>/Youtube</em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/entertainment/movies/2017/02/angela-lansbury-joins-mary-poppins-cast/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Angela Lansbury joins cast of star-studded Mary Poppins sequel</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/entertainment/movies/2017/02/movies-worth-seeing-in-2017/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Movies worth seeing in 2017</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/entertainment/movies/2017/02/first-look-at-behind-the-scenes-photos-from-love-actually-sequel/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>First look at behind-the-scenes photos from Love Actually sequel</strong></em></span></a></p>


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Black bean and guacamole grain bowl

<p>At first, a "grain bowl" doesn’t sound like the most exciting dinner option. But if you look beyond the image of “rabbit food”, you'll see the possibilities are endless – and incredibly tasty.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves:</span> </strong>2</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Ingredients:</strong></span></p> <ul> <li>200 g cooked brown rice</li> <li>150 g tinned black beans, drained and rinsed</li> <li>150 g ready-made guacamole</li> <li>Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper</li> <li>Small handful of tortilla chips (40g), to garnish</li> </ul> <p><em>Cherry tomato topping (makes 450g)</em></p> <ul> <li>275 g cherry tomatoes, halved (or quartered if large)</li> <li>150 ml olive oil</li> <li>½ red onion, finely chopped</li> <li>2 tablespoons sherry vinegar</li> <li>1 garlic clove, very finely chopped</li> <li>1 teaspoon sea salt</li> <li>½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method:</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Gently toss all of the ingredients together in a bowl.</li> <li>Store in an air-tight jar in the refrigerator for up to 2–3 days.</li> <li>To make the cherry tomato topping, divide the rice, beans and guacamole evenly between 2 bowls. Drizzle with the Cherry Tomato Topping and season. Serve with the tortilla chips.</li> </ol> <p><em><img width="178" height="180" src="" alt="Grain Bowls Image (1)" style="float: right;"/>This is an edited extract from Grain Bowls by Anna Shillinglaw Hampton published by Hardie Grant Books RRP $19.99 each and are available in stores nationally</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>Have you ordered your copy of the Over60 cookbook, The Way Mum Made It, yet? Featuring 175 delicious tried-and-true recipes from you, the Over60 community, and your favourites that have appeared on the Over60 website, <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">head to the to order your copy now</span></a>.</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/07/salad-of-sauteed-beef/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Salad of sauteed beef with cold rice noodles</span></em></strong></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/07/winter-warmer-seafood-stew/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Winter warmer seafood stew</span></em></strong></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/07/slow-cooker-creamy-chicken-pasta/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Slow cooker creamy chicken pasta</span></em></strong></a></p>

Food & Wine

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Exciting new invention stops avocados browning

<p>Aussies certainly have a love affair with avocados, so it should come as no surprise that they've created a new gadget to make the delicious green fruit last longer.</p> <p>Queensland-based company Naturo Technologies have developed a device which they claim stops avocados turning brown and mushy, extending their shelf life an extra 10 days!</p> <p>The “avocado time machine” works by “turning off” the enzyme which causes the fruit to brown. The patented device, which reportedly doesn’t alter taste, can transform around 4,000 avocados an hour and could hold the secret to lowering the sky-high price of the fruit.</p> <p><img width="497" height="280" src="" alt="Naturo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p>“An Australian company has already secured the opportunity to be the first processor to use the technology and we expect they will be producing avocado products later this year,” Director of Naturo Technologies Jeff Hastings said in a statement.</p> <p>“There's nothing added, it's all just natural processes,” he told the <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ABC</span></strong></a>. “It's all about finding a way of triggering or stopping the enzyme and turning that off.”</p> <p>The device could also mean huge things for our food production industry, cutting crop wastage and eliminating potentially disease-causing bugs. “The supply of healthy, safe and nutritionally-rich food is one of the major challenges for our world's future,” Hastings added. “The reduction of spoilage and waste forms part of the solution to use the planet's resources more wisely.”</p> <p>We certainly look forward to the machine rolling out to more manufacturers and reaping the benefits come grocery time!</p> <p>Do you have a secret to extending the life of your avocados? Share it with us in the comments below.</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/news/news/2016/06/keep-avocadoes-fresh-for-6-months/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>The easy trick to keep avocados fresh for 6 months</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/beauty-style/2016/06/8-foods-that-will-help-you-live-longer/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>8 foods that will help you live longer</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/news/news/2016/04/ripen-avocado-in-10-minutes/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How to ripen avocados in 10 minutes</span></em></strong></a></p>


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The easy trick to keep avocados fresh for 6 months

<p><span>It’s undeniable – Kiwis have a total love affair with avocados. In fact, some have even taken to <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">stealing</span></strong></a> our nation’s second favourite green fruit.</span></p> <p>But, we’re happy to report, those days may be behind us! When prices are low, you can stock up on your favourite food and stick them in the freezer. Yes – as it turns out, you can freeze avocados and keep them fresh for up to six months.</p> <p>So, how do you do it? In just five easy steps:</p> <ol start="1"> <li>Wash the ripe avocado, keeping the skin on.</li> <li>Cut it in half, peel and remove the pit.</li> <li>Wrap each half in foil or plastic wrap, then place them in a labelled zip-lock bag (so you’ll know how long they’ve been in the freezer).</li> <li>If you’d rather pureed avocado mash it with a bit of lemon juice, lime juice or white vinegar, then place in the freezer in a zip-lock bag or airtight container.</li> <li>To thaw, move avocado to fridge about 12 to 24 hours before use, leave at room temperature for an hour, or put it in a bowl and run cold water over the bag or container.</li> </ol> <p>As great as this technique is for avid avocado eaters, it comes with a word of warning: while convenient, thawed avocado won’t be as firm as it is fresh. However, for those of us who love a bit of avo on toast or in guacamole, this money-saving trick is a godsend!</p> <p>How do you like to eat avocado? Share your tips with us in the comments below!</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/beauty-style/2016/06/8-foods-that-will-help-you-live-longer/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>8 foods that will help you live longer</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2016/04/vegetarian-beetroot-burger-with-avocado/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Vegetarian beetroot burger with avocado</strong></em></span></a></p> <p><a href="/news/news/2016/04/ripen-avocado-in-10-minutes/"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>How to ripen avocados in 10 minutes</strong></em></span></a></p>
