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Most bizarre baby names of the year

<p>Reddit users have taking a liking to naming and shaming some of the most bizarre baby names that have come out of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p>In a number of jaw-dropping new posts, names such as Pandemica, Truck, Fallopia, Myblessn and Brogan have all made the list of some of the wildest names they’ve heard.</p> <p>Food-related names were also popular over the course of the last 12 months and within the next few years, it is likely we will be seeing toddlers with the names Milk, Salad, Prosecco, Jelli-Anne and Crispy, running around on the playground.</p> <p>“I know someone who named her covid baby ‘Pandemica’. Inspired by the word pandemic,” one person said on the popular social media site.</p> <p>Another added: “I lived with a student midwife when I was a student - the first set of twins she delivered got called ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’.”</p> <p><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.25px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/d36a028818e4435cb1b6041d8e17a319" /></p> <p>A third wrote: “I had a classmate in university whose name was Meganathan. To date I don’t know why Nathan failed to suffice.”</p> <p>One person wrote she had met a couple who put a bizarre spin on the name ‘Colin’.</p> <p>“My classmate’s mother was a maternity nurse and she has a couple who wanted to name their son ‘Colin’ but wanted to give him a ‘unique’ spelling for it,” they wrote.</p> <p>“They spelled it out for her to put on the birth certificate C-O-L-O-N. They tried to name their son colon. As in the internal organ. When my classmate’s mother explained this to them they were painfully embarrassed and asked her to write it down with the normal spelling instead.”</p> <p><strong>Here is the full list of Reddit’s most bizarre baby names:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Pandemica</li> <li>Salad</li> <li>Crispy</li> <li>Fallopia</li> <li>Famous</li> <li>Yanique (pronounced unique)</li> <li>Jelli-Anne</li> <li>Truck</li> <li>Milk</li> <li>Brogan</li> <li>Motel</li> <li>Prosecco</li> <li>Myblessn</li> <li>Monster</li> <li>Mileage (pronounced My Leige, as you would refer to a King)</li> <li>Mudpiles</li> <li>Linoleum</li> </ul> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>

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